August 15, 2012

Cardamon & Orange Zest Cookies (Bai Dou Kou 白豆蔻 and Chen Pi 陳皮)

Indian Cardamon Pods This recipe includes Asian medicinal herbs that are good for digestion: 'Sha Ren' and 'Chen Pi'.  We study these herbs in the class Oriental Herbology II.  'Sha Ren' is in the category 'Aromatic Transform Damp' and 'Chen Pi' is in the category 'Regulate Qi'.

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June 20, 2012

Sesame Seed Squares (Sweet Medicine Dessert)

Sesame As Medicine

Black sesame seeds strengthen vitality and longevity.  To reap the benefits, they should be used frequently over a long period of time.  Like most seeds, black sesame seeds are moistening to the body's resources.  They also can strengthen the tissues of the low back and knees, keep the hair strong and nourish the ears (all kidney organ/channel functions).  They can also the moisten the bowels for constipation (unless they are toasted, which will diminish this oily quality).

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