Self-Moxa Safety Instructions

Always use moxa in a well-ventilated room.  Do not use moxa if you feel you are catching a cold or a fever.

Supplies needed:

1. Pen

2. Moxa stick

3. Matches or lighter

4. Sink or a large pot

5. Glass jar filled with 2 inches uncooked rice

Instructions for Use:

1. Locate the point(s) to be treated and lightly mark with a pen.

2. Tear off the outer paper liner of the stick, leaving the inner white liner intact.

3. Light one tip of the moxa stick. Once the tip is burning, blow out the flame.

4. Holding the moxa stick over the sink or large pot, blow gently on the lit end until you have an evenly burning coal. Make sure that any embers stay contained within the sink or pot, and are properly extinguished.

5. Once you have an evenly burning coal, hold the moxa stick above the point to be treated. Hold it perpendicular to the surface of the skin, keeping the burning tip a comfortable distance from the skin – usually about ¾ of an inch.

To Tonify:

Hold the tip near the point to be treated. When the sensation is almost too hot to be comfortable, remove the moxa stick and press the warmth firmly into the point with your thumb. Repeat this procedure 2 more times, for a total of 3 times per point.

To Disperse:

i. “Pecking” Method: Hold the tip near the point to be treated for a few seconds, then remove for 1 or 2 seconds. Repeat this action for several minutes.

ii. “Circling” Method: Hold the tip near the point or the center of the area to be treated until you begin to feel warmth. Once you feel warmth, slowly move the moxa stick outward in a circling motion, until you reach the outer boundary of the area to be treated. Repeat for several minutes.

6.Every minute or so flick excess ashes from the lit tip of the moxa stick into the pot or sink.

7. To properly extinguish the moxa, place the burning tip in to the jar containing 2 inches of uncooked rice. Fully submerge the burning coal in the rice. Store in a dry, safe place. CAUTION: Attempting to extinguish moxa in any other way may (such as crushing the tip in an ashtray) may lead to incomplete extinction and pose a serious fire hazard.

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1 Comment »

  1. Thanks for this. I’ve been wanting to tell my dad how to use moxa for arthritis etc and this is a great explanation!

    Comment by Katrina H — August 3, 2013 @ 6:22 pm

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