Random Cool Stuff
Random Links:
- Mushrooms are anti-cancer and boost the immune system. Check out Fungi Perfecti’s website.
- Mushrooms can clean up radioactive contamination.
- SF Giants stay healthy with acupuncture from Haro Ogawa, L.Ac. (AIMC). See article.
- Real Food Bay Area Website: healthy, sustainable, artisan foods delivered directly to your area.
- Blue Poppy Blog: I enjoy reading those by Eric Brand.
- Classic Formulas website: by Michael Max, dedicated to the modern use of formulas from the Shang Han Lun & Jin Gui Yao Lue.
- Grocery Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides
- Three Stone Hearth, Berkeley, CA
- Haramaki: Belly Wrap for Warmth
- UC Berkeley Botanical Garden