August 7, 2012
July 20, 2012
American Ginseng Wine (Xi Yang Shen 西洋參)

July 17, 2012
Classic Chinese Chicken Soup with Tonic Herbs (Astragalus, Codonopsis, Yam, Jujube)

June 17, 2012
Kidney Tonic Cereal to Strengthen Low Back and Knees

- 10 grams (8-10 pieces) Radix Polygoni Multiflori (fleeceflower root, knotweed) = He Shou Wu
- 10 grams (2 sticks) Radix Achranthis Bidentate = Niu Xi
- 15 grams (5 pieces) Radix Dioscoreae (Chinese Yam) = Shan Yao
- 5 grams (1 Tbsp.) Fructus Corni (dogwood fruit) = Shan Zhu Yu
- 2 cups brown rice
June 15, 2012
‘Zi He Che’ Soup (紫河車)
For mothers and others at home who are recovering from childbirth and who are perhaps feeling cold...
- Soak fresh 'Zi He Che' in water. Change water several times until water remains clear. Cut into ½” pieces. Mix with equal portion of pieces of chicken, or pork, or beef.
- Cut 5 green onions into 2” pieces each. Stir fry cut green onions & 7-8 slices of ginger in small amount of vegetable oil. Add 'Zi He Che' & other meat, & continue stir frying another 2 minutes.
- Add at least 12 cups of water, and bring to a boil. Skim & discard the foam that collects on the surface of the liquid.
- Reduce heat to simmer, cover the pot & simmer ~ 2 hrs.
- Salt to taste. Do not add any other herbs, spices or condiments to pot.
- Serve cup of broth separately from meat. Allow 30 minutes for broth to be absorbed into system before eating meat or other foods.
- Soy sauce, black pepper, or other mild flavorings (no hot sauce or ketchup) can be added to the meat & veggies. Bread, rice, & steamed veggies are also okay.
- Eat for at least the 1st 3 days after delivery
February 10, 2012
English Roasted Marrow Bone Recipe
Bone Marrow is rich in nutrients, including iron, phosphorus and vitamin A. Depending on the source, bone marrow is also likely rich in vitamin K and other fat-soluble nutrients. Marrow also helps us build healthy white blood cells.
November 21, 2011
Sesame-Walnut-Pumpkin Seed Crackers

- 'Hēi Zhī Má' Sesamum indicum (Black sesame seed) - Tonify Yin
- 'Hé Táo Rén' Juglans regia (Walnut) - Tonify Yang
- 'Nán Guā Zǐ' Cucurbita moschata (Pumpkin seed) - Expels Parasites
- 'Cōng Bái' Allium fistulosum (Scallion/green onion) - Release Exterior
- 'Hú Jiāo' Piper nigrum (Black Pepper) - Warm Interior
- In a food processor combine the following:
March 9, 2011
Chicken Soup with Ginseng, Angelica & Ginger (Ren Shen, Dang Gui & Sheng Jiang)

This is a nutritious tonic to promote qi and blood, improve bodily functions and energy. Overall blood tonic.PER SERVING:
- Angelica (dang-gui) head 當歸頭- 5-10gram (too much will give the soup a bitter taste)
- Ginseng 人參 - 8gm (or substitute Codonopsis ‘Dang Shen’)
- Small Whole Chicken (about 1 lb., use black-meat chicken for best effects)
- Pitted red dates 紅棗 - 12 pieces
- Fresh Ginger 生薑 - 2 slices
November 30, 2010
Japanese Sour Plum & Bancha Twig Tea

Tea Leaf (Camellia sinensis):
In class we made a home-remedy that is a mixture of the pickled Japanese ume plum along with a certain type of green tea called bancha or kukicha (from the tea plant Camellia sinensis). A little soy sauce and ginger can be added for flavor and warmth. Umesho bancha tea can be taken if there is discomfort after fasting or long-term illness. It is often given to a mother at the time her baby is delivered. The following is for 1 serving. The preparation time is about 3-5 minutes, and the cooking time is about 7-10 minutes.June 8, 2010
Almond Milk – tastes better when you make it yourself!