Seaweed is from the sea, and like the ocean, it is cooling in nature. There are various types of seaweed, which can all detoxify the body by pulling heavy metals and toxins out of the body, like a natural chelation therapy. Be sure to use good quality seaweed from a clean(ish) ocean. Cool seaweed can also transform hot-phelgm which is generally sticky and possibly yellow in color.
Here's Grace's family recipe for seaweed soup.
- Wakame/Kun Bu (Pacific Wildcraft kelp seaweed, harvested from Mendocino County)
- Beef Brisket (Marin Sun Farms grass fed organic)
- Dried Kombu Seaweed
- Organic Toasted Sesame Oil
- Sea Salt
- Garlic/Da Suan
- Organic short grain rice
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