February 2, 2015
Purple Yam and Goji Berry Pancakes

December 23, 2014
Chicken Gizzard (Ji Nei Jin 內金) cooked in Coconut Milk

Benefits of Chicken Gizzard (Ji Nei Jin 內金) According to Asian Medicine:
- Reduces food stagnation
- Improves digestion
- Aids incontinence
- Increases Gastric Acid by 30-70%
- Reduces hardness and transforms stones (gallstones and urinary stones
March 25, 2013
Bitter Gourd / Bitter Melon

June 20, 2012
Pumpkin Seed Pesto with ‘Nan Gua Zi’ (南瓜子)

- 1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil
- 2 cups green hulled pumpkin seeds'Nan Gua Zi' (roasted or dry fried)
- 4-5 garlic cloves 'Da Suan' (mince and leave out exposed to the air at least 15 min to develop it's immune boosting potential)
- 1 cup packed cilantro
- zest of half a lemon, and its juice
- chile pepper 'chuan jiao'
- black pepper 'hu jiao'
- black sea salt
February 29, 2012
Spiced Mung Bean Dish to Clear Heat & Warm Simultaneously

- ∙ 2 cups organic wild blend brown rice
- ∙ 2 cups of organic mung bean
- ∙ 1 modest tablespoon each of powdered: turmeric, coriander, cumin, and ginger
- ∙ 2 medium sized organic carrots, chopped
- ∙ 2 medium sized pieces of burdock root, chopped
- ∙ 1 turnip, chopped
- ∙ ¼ tsp of salt
- ∙ 9 cups of water (8 cups for mung bean & rice, 1 for vegetables)
- Garnish / Condiment:
February 10, 2012
English Roasted Marrow Bone Recipe
Bone Marrow is rich in nutrients, including iron, phosphorus and vitamin A. Depending on the source, bone marrow is also likely rich in vitamin K and other fat-soluble nutrients. Marrow also helps us build healthy white blood cells.
November 21, 2011
Sesame-Walnut-Pumpkin Seed Crackers

- 'Hēi Zhī Má' Sesamum indicum (Black sesame seed) - Tonify Yin
- 'Hé Táo Rén' Juglans regia (Walnut) - Tonify Yang
- 'Nán Guā Zǐ' Cucurbita moschata (Pumpkin seed) - Expels Parasites
- 'Cōng Bái' Allium fistulosum (Scallion/green onion) - Release Exterior
- 'Hú Jiāo' Piper nigrum (Black Pepper) - Warm Interior
- In a food processor combine the following: